11 Reasons why you Should Marry a Pakistani Man.

Give Us A Chance! 11 Reasons Why You SHOULD Marry a Pakistani Man
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1:Ami Jan or ‘’mother in Law’’ was not born in the same era as you were; the time, traditions and circumstances have changed, those days are long past and you have watched more dramas/read novels than Ami; So you can come up with more creative ideas than her to win the battle by using ‘’Emotional Hathyacharr’’. Besides, if someone comes and looks up at you at the middle of the night, it’s not called “Haunting” but “Love and care”. So don’t worry.
2:  They come in a family pack: You get a mother, a father, a few sisters-in-law, half a dozen cousins, and countless relatives for free and anything that comes in free is bliss in a world swirling with inflation. Besides, it is not a bad idea to bring everything of your own rather than relying on someone else even if it’s your in-laws home. Bigger houses aren’t the cause of happiness but smaller houses full of people are which turn a house into home with the feeling of warmth of a family.
3: As the records show that the women do better in studies so with the good studies comes good results and good results bring good job, so money bring authority.
4: Pakistani men have a huge respect for women, I am sure you witness this while walking in the market, university and office; they want to protect you with their scanning eyes from one place to another. Do you think they are harassing you? Come on! They are just performing their duty to protect you from the evil-eye.
5: Pakistani men are brave and stronger only when they are not in your sight; haven’t you seen them in markets holding shopping bags in one hand and the little teasing kid on the shoulder and trying to give money to the “Queen” from the left pocket with the same sweated hand? Better watch out next time!
6: They are such miserable people; don’t you see before marriage how you people play with their feelings? They have to work at least 5 to 6 years to impress you, they have to go through a lot of struggle such as waiting for you at bus stops, university canteens, waiting for your call in cold nights, trying to impress you with friend’s shirts and with brother’s bike and by clicking on “Like” on everything you post on Facebook (no matter whether they like it or not in real). See that’s what you call the real struggle; just see!
7: They are skillful in everything and jack of all trades no matter whatever they have actually studied. No matter if one is a doctor, engineer or whatever but in front of you he is ‘’Her Fun Mola/Jack of all trades’’. You just think of anything and he will do it (but only for you). From repairing the electric appliances to riding 4 kids and heavy you on bike in rushing traffic.
8: Give some deserved credit to his confidence and his everlasting feelings of tolerance; how he bears every taunt you and his mother throw at him but he manages both at the same time with his unexplained and exceptional skills accompanied with his inexpressive smile. (Ok Maaa Jee/ Ok Janu)
9: How strongly you oppress and squeeze his wishes to like anyone else of your gender. He can’t even talk to any of his female friends/colleagues. When he smiles while he reads any text, didn’t you notice how he secretly looks towards her highness – his wife – and neither can he pass any praising comments about any heroin.
10: He is afraid, afraid of you. If you find him singing song while combing his hair, all of a sudden thoughts like ‘’who is that girl he is singing for ‘’ pop into your brain out of nowhere. Even when he praises any lady from his office for her work, you start thinking ‘’Now he doesn’t love me like before’’.
11: You should marry him because he is Pakistani, and only he can understand your issues and can listen to your unimportant and silly complains and the narrations of your good-for-nothing drama episodes.  No other man will have that much time and tolerance. Trust Me, Promote National Products! 
So I believe these 11 reasons should inspire you to marry a Pakistani man. However if you are not willing then you should be ready to remain unmarried for whole of your life because it is impossible to find any other man with such enduring qualities. You can still go on and try finding someone like this and if you don’t find one, just come back and Pakistan Man can manage to marry anytime 
He said: You want to be Princess so you must give respect to your man like prince.

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